In a time where we seem all too willing to make excuses for words and behavior that used to be considered beyond the pale, there are still actions that are purely inexcusable. China would know....

"Climate emergency," "existential," "they," were all put forward as "words of the year" for 2019, but they're all really just part of a bigger noun, verb, adjective, and adverb...

Both 'sides' in today's political debates accuse the other of being unpatriotic, but on the American side we all belong to, true patriotism, both old and new, is emerging...

A number of new initiatives are trying to bring red and blue Americans together. They're too little, too late, but there's no need to despair...

Our civic engagement champions share their hard-won vision for what civics education should look like and include in the 21st century...

Civic engagement champions come from all walks of life, but for those whose effects are most powerful, all roads lead to middle school...

The four middle school teachers who recently became our first Civic Engagement Champions all helped elevate student voices in their communities, each in their own way--they share their stories here...

As on many other issues, Donald Trump is showing--and convincing--a majority of Americans that the right position on trade is opposite to the one he holds...

As it did for the founders, as it has so many times in our history, though we have representatives, the fate of the nation now lies with we, the people...

What the Roundtable CEOs need to do to walk their talk, and some of the companies that already are...