James McBride & Ethan Hawke
Sometimes we need to review our judgments on historical figures for resonances with the present day. The author James McBride decided the abolitionist John Brown was such a personage...
Sometimes we need to review our judgments on historical figures for resonances with the present day. The author James McBride decided the abolitionist John Brown was such a personage...
Often considered progenitor of British socialism, Robert Owen might be better thought of as patriarch of modern business management, lifelong education, the ideal of small-scale self-sufficiency et al...
He hated the title of his most famous book, b/c he was sure it would become a catchphrase. Happily he was right, but Small Is Beautiful is only a small part of his vision for a century he would never see...
The diversity movement traces its origins to the Rainbow Coalition in Chicago, Illinois, where it began more than a decade earlier than popularly believed, led by two Black Panthers...
Cyrus The Great not only inspired our founding fathers, but in many ways, two thousand+ years after his rule, is still ahead of our time. To claim that Donald Trump is the Cyrus of anything is a calumny of the lowest order...
By political miracle, the father of the constitution of one of the world's ten most rigidly class-based nations, India, came from its lowest caste...
In an incongruously-named southern California locale called Serenity Park, a rollicking community of parrots is helping war veterans deal with PTSD...
Just doing your job can be 21st century citizenship if you're in public service; pandemic optional. The Samuel J Heyman awards honor the nation's top civil servants--these are their stories...
Just as 9/11 reintroduced America to its first responders, our oft-forgotten service workers have proven to be the unsung heroes of the COVID pandemic...
One of the great ironies of what's already being called "the lost decade" is that it featured the longest period of unbroken economic growth in our history. The person who deserves the most credit is not Donald J Trump...