It may seem like we are in a long national nightmare from which we will never awaken.  But that need not be, if we citizens remember that America is the land of second chances, but not straight lines...

Last year, we took our February fingertips to the United Kingdom; this year's travelogue landed us in India, the world's largest democracy, struggling with challenges that eerily mirror our own...

Out of the tumult of 2019 have emerged many inspiring stories and ideas, which we celebrate with our second annual "best of" edition, recognizing both the posts and stories you, our community, liked best (based on your clicks) and those that were our favorites....

The Latin root of education, educare, means to lead out. In a 'post-truth' world, teachers, the nation's curators and explainers of knowledge, are going to play an outsized role in holding our republic together...

When is enough enough? It's a question we must ask with respect to so many aspects of our lives in these times. In politics today, the query is with us daily, because impeachment is the Constitution's way of posing it...

Our greatest president, Abraham Lincoln, once observed: "Capital is only the fruit of labor. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."  How times have changed--and not...

Since his election, the current President and his administration have fractured American democracy and divided its citizenry, most painfully and personally along generational lines. The steps that citizens of all stripes and ages are already engaged in to insure an unbroken arc of progress in...

"It's a republic, not a democracy" say the defenders of minority rule, sliding into authoritarianism. For the founders, and Noah Webster after them, there wasn't remotely as much daylight between the two as seems to have opened up since.  There are serious questions now about what our democracy...

It was an American, General Douglas MacArthur, who coined the phrase “rules are made to be broken.” Rule breaking and rule rewriting have been American traditions since the founding of the nation. But the tension over what rules to change and how to change them...