CivX Now
With input from more than 7,000 educators and education supporters,CivX Now has literally put K-12 civics on the map, a crowdsourced geography intended to point the way to the ultimate destination...
With input from more than 7,000 educators and education supporters,CivX Now has literally put K-12 civics on the map, a crowdsourced geography intended to point the way to the ultimate destination...
Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman has been the lead mapper of the hidden hard-wired biases that fool we, the people, over and over again.School Of Thought has distilled these down to a point where K-6 educators could teach kids how to avoid them...
One of the longest, most painstaking, and ironic arcs in American history has been voting rights--apres Parkland, could kids be next to get them? A coalition of K-12 civics groups is working to make it so...
The UK only began civics education in 2002, but the Ulster Project has been bringing together Catholic and Protestant teens from Northern Ireland to the great melting pot (that would be us) for more than forty years...
The Southern Poverty Law Center introduces its Teaching Hard History curriculum (and a rich set of resources & recs) as an antidote to our childrens' troubling incomprehension of fraught events that continue to shape our civic landscape...
In the "trial of the century," and potentially one of the greatest civic learning experiences of all time for America's youth, kids are suing the government over climate change, and so far they're 9-0 vs attempts by the administration to stop them...
Our American Voice is taking kids back to the future, showing them how they can apply the wisdom and lessons of the founders to solve problems in their schools and communities today...
...while middle schoolers reinvent one of high school's oldest rituals in rural Arcola, and bridge another divide in the process... ...
The ingenious approach Chicago elementary school students have come up with to bring their highly diverse school together...
The JFK Library announces the winners of its 18th annual Profiles In Courage essay contest, which draws the best young political thinkers and historians in the country; this year's top prize honors an unlikely hero of the women's suffrage movement...