Republicans have all the answers (at least they think so); Democrats prefer to ask questions. But if they don't start acting now, asking later, wondering Dems could find themselves wandering in the wilderness for a long, long time...

One of the worst things a conservative can be called these days is a RINO, Republican In Name Only. But in 2024, there's a Republican Party in name only too...

The least dangerous branch has already tarnished itself, perhaps irrevocably. Now new research proves political orientation impacts virtually all decisions in the federal judiciary in a very specific way...

How about neither? This would be Donald Trump's answer to the classic game show question, because he knows that where there's no truth, there's only power. We, the people, need get our fellow citizens to understand that Trump is a means that never ends...

Research on diversity's value is clear, in education, in business, in nature. DEI is far from a perfect reflection of what we know, but that doesn't justify the GOP's determination to kill it...

The federal government has rarely been popular, but we'd miss it if it were gone, and currently it faces threats from multiple directions that could bring it to the brink of extinction if we don't rally around what makes us American...

In many presidential elections, the primaries of Super Tuesday are a turning point. This year, with voters divided between intoxication, ambivalence, and apathy, it looks more like there's no turning back...

Bidenomics, vibecession, vabpression, all need to be replaced by another kind of economics. The first political party to understand this will never have to puzzle over disconnects between their macroeconomic and political metrics...

We can't rely on the media, the courts, or either party to do it. We, the people, are going to have to save our democracy this year, and we'll have to do more than vote to do it....