The Founders feared them, and record numbers of Americans have declared independence from them.  In a country as large and diverse as ours, they've been a source of both unity and division, and our future and theirs seem as deeply intertwined as ever...

When the Founders declared independence nearly 248 years ago, it was also a declaration of hope. What they hoped for is all around us, which is why we need to make our own declarations today...

Today's American economy is literally the wonder of the world, but there's one sign we may be out over our skis--if every unemployed American in the labor force found full-time work, there would still be 2.4 million open jobs unfilled...

Justice. In a world that seems increasingly devoid of it, the meaning, and even continued existence, of justice have been brought into question as never before...

Republicans have all the answers (at least they think so); Democrats prefer to ask questions. But if they don't start acting now, asking later, wondering Dems could find themselves wandering in the wilderness for a long, long time...

One of the worst things a conservative can be called these days is a RINO, Republican In Name Only. But in 2024, there's a Republican Party in name only too...

In 30+ years Gallup has asked Americans if they want government to do more, or less, have they said more. Yet in the case of the virtually all the issues we care most about, majorities of us want government's role to be expanded...

The least dangerous branch has already tarnished itself, perhaps irrevocably. Now new research proves political orientation impacts virtually all decisions in the federal judiciary in a very specific way...

How about neither? This would be Donald Trump's answer to the classic game show question, because he knows that where there's no truth, there's only power. We, the people, need get our fellow citizens to understand that Trump is a means that never ends...